Sunday, November 12, 2017

Entry #5 Ducey

While reading "Ducey: Why Arizona needs more college grads", Governor Doug Ducey attemps to appeal to the readers emotions by repeating "as a husband and father" to remind the readers that he is not just a polititions. 

An attempt to change the readers view of him from:
to something more along the lines of:
which many polititians try to do. I think he did a good job and sounded genuine but personally I feel he failed to appeal to the average, every day person who struggles to come up with the money to go to community college, let alone a nice university. Ducey offered plenty of pretty statistics, but failed to expand on how he expects these goals to be attainable and ways to assist those of the middle and lower class attain a higher eduction. Personally, this is why I almost did not attend college myself. Luckily, the resourses were attained, but that is something not all are able to say.
My question is, how does Governor Ducey expect to fix this problem other than distracting us with big numbers and pretty colors?

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