Sunday, November 12, 2017

Entry #3 Slant Reporting

Biased reporting seems to be something for which a large portion of the United States have become aware of when watching news reports (especially during political elections) along with reading information in the news papers and on social media. Now, many are falling victims of slant reporting which is a much smoother way of puttings your own opinion into whatever it is you may be discussing, without looking completely baised. When I think of biased reports and slanted reports in todays society, someone named Tomi Lahren comes to mind. This woman is known for her online news reports for which she expresseds her exreme right wing political views and her conservitive opinions of society.

In the Youtube video I would like to discuss, Trevor Noah is interviewing Tomi Lahren to discuss some of her reports in which he is basically critisizing for being slanted and many times completely biased. Please watch the following and then I shall discuss my own take on the video/interview:
Now having seen the previous video, time to discuss and yes, I know it is a lot to wrap your mind around. In many of Lahren's videos, she appeals to the emotions of her conservitive, right wing audience by discussing the issue many have with the "Black Lives Matter" movement. As said in the video, many associate the unfortunate events with the fallen police officers to be the main goal of the Black Lives Matter movement which is why she addresses it multiple times in multiple videos (get those conservative blood vessels moving!) but she is called out on the fact that she failed to mention these unfortunate insidences were not acted out on by the group as a whole but by the few bad apples in the bunch. So, basically the report is dicussing the few bad scenerios but it is REALLY saying that all of those who "subscribe" to the Black Lives Matter movement are "thugs" and fighting for something which is not an actual issue.

A lot of Tomi Lahren's subscribers have also come to the conclusion that she is working with an agenda which clouds her judgement. The way she has delivered her reports has overall shot her credibility completely. In other words, next time you are on Facebook or Youtube, maybe skip past Tomi Lahren's channel unless you are looking for some slanted reports.

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