One point that really surprised me was when he talked about all of the flack he got when people found out the type of organization he works with because he is "just an actor". Ashton definately hit the emotional appeal on the head because he got emotional explaning the company that he works withis actually a company tat deals with human sex trafficing of children which will upset any normal human being, but it rewally hit home for those with children (Ashton included) because then your child is put in place of that child in your head. A very sad and self-torturing image to live with.
I admire Ashton Kutcher for fighting for something he believes in and "bestowing the right to pursue happiness" on to others because many people these days are too self obsorbed to focus purely on the needs and the lives of those who can not help themselves. Ashton Kutcher is an understated hero in today's society.