Sunday, December 3, 2017

Entry #9 Media

My relationship with Media

As an avid user of social media, I am already well aware of the presence of things such as fake news, gender biases, violence, etc. During the videos shown in class (Tough Guise 2 and Killing Us Softly 4), it became more and more prevelent to me that gender biases against women is worse than what I originally though. Of course, women were the last people to get the right to vote so it really should not be a shock to us how degrading media is towards women. Women are just items for men to paw at and for media to oversexualize.

This oversexualization has even effected how people view breastfeeding. Seeming the female breast is not being used in a sexual mannor, majority of the male population has an issue with public breastfeeding. This has been a major issue I have seen on social media lately. The media has programmed us to prefer this:

over what science has actually intended the female breast to be used for other than sex..

As a soon-to-be mother, this new realisation of how durogatory the media views females has made me worried about the struggles I will face as well as my daughter. Even Donald Trump, the newest president of the United States, has made his own feeling toward the female race ever so obvious on his Twitter account and in a number of his interviews. After this new revelation, logging into my own social media accounts has become almost a nauseating experience, which was very different from before the media discussions in class.

1 comment:

  1. The media is so scary nowadays. You never know what you will see or even what you can trust. Just know it will get better and focus on you.
